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He’d come back. As he had for the past couple of nights. Silent, watching her silhouette through the curtains as she picked up the phone. ‘Are you there?’ she said. ‘Yes’, I replied. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere’. Little did he know the innocuous… Read More »STALKING THE STALKERS


It is essential to recognise that the key purpose in conducting an investigative interview is to obtain facts/evidence, and to search for the truth, from the interviewee in a fair and proper manner. Best practice is a method called the PEACE model. Planning & Preparation,… Read More »THE INVESTIGATIVE INTERVIEW

Process Server

London Process Server is a kind of dirty word. People hide from them. They try to run them over or attack them. Admittedly, this happens over the pond more than here, but violence against London Process Server is not unknown. Nine times out of ten,… Read More »Process Server


A leading UK Private Investigator has found that more than three quarters of workers have stolen from their current or previous places of work. The figures show that potentially over £432m of company goods, including laptops, confidential personal data, TVs, and even an office pet… Read More »THIEVING LITTLE BRITONS